Part 2

WWTBAM Prep, Part 2 (6-Feb-2019 to 12-Feb-2019)

Notes taken while watching the UK edition of WWTBAM, February 2019. New editions (2018 onwards, broadcast on ITV) are titled “NEW WHO:”, older editions are titled “WHO:” or “OLD WHO:” and were broadcast on Challenge. Specific dates for these notes: 6-Feb-2019 to 12-Feb-2019. [6,025 words in this piece.]

OLD WHO: 30-Jan-2019 [From 23-12-2000]

[06/02/2019 08:32] From Challenge TV, recorded overnight

It starts with JOHN from London on 125k, going for 250k on a question about even number of teams in a sport

250k: Which of these sports has an even number of players in a standard team: Rugby League / Netball / Baseball / (Volleyball)

He was on 125k, said he wasn’t going to gamble, thought it was baseball, oh, then he did gamble, and he lost 93k, leaving with 32k

REVISE: Number of players on a team: Water Polo, Volleyball, Netball (and names of positions)

10 new contestants: Adrian Pollock, Rob Knapman, Terry Oates, Catherine Perera, Keith Nickless, Dave Edwards, Lynne Parr, Robin Peden, Rhys Jones, David Buckton

FFF: Put the answer to these sums in their correct order, smallest first

DCBA gives us: Fifth of 5 / Quarter of 8 / Third of 9 / Half of 10

I found that REALLY tricky first time round, flicking through it, but did it okay that time

8 got it right, Adrian Pollock in 7.1s was fastest

Computer consultant from Vale of Glamorgan, FOURTH time on the show since autumn 1998, and finally gets into the chair [Later we learn that he’s the brother of the wife of the major at the heart of the drama QUIZ, and all that]

1k: (Rome) wasn’t built in a day

2k: 1997 Elton John became chairman of (Watford) for the 2nd time

4k: TV soap Eldorado set in (Spain)

8k: Item of clothing associated with Orion (Belt)

16k: Wrote White Fang and Call of the Wild (Jack London)

32k: “Penny Dreadful” in 19th C was a (Comic Book) [And Tarrant asks him why]

The cheque shows: Adrian Pollock 23-12-00

64k: Labor Day in USA and Canada is celebrated in (September) [He’s gone 50/50 and been left with May and September / He phones his dad Arthur who thinks it’s May, he goes for it and leaves with 32k]

REVISE: US Holidays; I know that Labor Day is September, but what about the others / And, while we’re at it, other national holidays: Canada, ANZAC Day, Sweden’s national day, and so on

FFF: Bones of the body in order from head to foot:

BADC gives us: Cranium Sternum Pelvis Patella

[Very similar FFF in a new episode of WHO, 31-Jan-2021]

Only 3 got it right, Rob Knapman in 5.98s and he’s punching the air, he’s from South Wirral on Merseyside, has done various jobs, is now a window cleaner

1k: (Tom Brown’s) Schooldays in a book by Thomas Hughes [he uses Ask the Audience, over 80% know the right answer)

2k: Anfield is home ground of (Liverpool)

4k: Dermatitis affects (Skin)

8k: US TV drama about a New Jersey mafia family (The Sopranos) not the Contraltos, Basses or Tenors

16k: Au is chemical symbol for (Gold) [He’s gone 50/50 and been left with Gold and Titanium / and he uses Phone-A-Friend]

32k: Title of Geri Halliwell’s 1999 autobiography: So What / What If / If Only / Only Me

I don’t know that one, I assume it’s “Only Me” / He’s used his lifelines and won’t risk it / It’s IF ONLY

He leaves with 16k

REVISE: Spice Girls and other autobiographies / IF ONLY is by Geri Halliwell 1999

10 brand new contestants, no familiar faces

FFF: TV soaps, in order of first broadcast / Not sure on this one

Nope, I got that wrong; I went for:

BCDA: Emmerdale / Family Affairs / Eldorado / Hollyoaks [I don’t know when Family Affairs was, or what it is]

But it’s: BDAC: Emmerdale / Eldorado / Hollyoaks / Family Affairs

Years: 1972 / 1992 / 1995 / 1997

Revise: Family Affairs (launched 1997) and other short-lived soaps

4 got it right, Val Bradley in 7.79s was fastest / She’s a mortgage consultant from Scotland /

1k: (Stethoscope) is an aid to hearing

2k: Latin word for queen (Regina)

4k: Stretch of water that separates Wales from Devon: English Channel / Wash / (Bristol Channel) / Irish Sea

8k: Where did the Wright Brothers make their first powered flight: Kitty Moth / Kitty Cove / (Kitty Hawk) / Kitty Bay [Kitty Hawk I think – but I thought that was the name of the plane, more research needed here [She’s used Ask the Audience, 41% say Kitty Hawk, quite evenly spread, 12% 19% and 28% on D] It IS Kitty Hawk

Revise: Wright Brothers, location, distances, dates, name of plane and so on / KITTY HAWK was the place

16k: Created “Mr Men” books: (Roger Hargreaves)

Other names: Alison Uttley, Michael Bond, Elisabeth Beresford

Revise: Alison Uttley and other children’s authors

[06/02/2019 09:00] She’s got to 16k and that’s the end of the show, 28 minutes of viewing for me

[17/02/2019 01:29] The next part of this woman’s time on the show is being recorded now, before I go to bed, and the 32k question is about Liszt and a set of rhapsodies about his home country

BULLSEYE: Some unplanned watching

There was an old episode of “The Chase” too on this recording / I’ll take a look at that too / And at the end of the recording is a bit of Bullseye, the first of the 8th series / Jim Bowen

I’ve left it running, and there’s some kid from Harrow who was at county level but has had to scale it back – family commitments – and he now plays for a pub, “Eamonn’s pub” / Eamonn is there, from Ireland, and his pub is The Latimer Arms in Notting Hill, which you can see from the A40 / If this is series 8 it must be from late 80s early 90s

Early the following morning I heard more from Bullseye than ever before / One of the contestants displays bantams, so there were questions about hens and cocks including (I kid you not) “How big is your cock?” / Someone else works at Sellafield, so there was mention of fall-out and a joke: I went to the beach up in Sellafield and had some terrible fall-out. Well, they don’t make trunks the way they used to

And the show is continuing on, though I’m sure that it won’t be the whole episode

Freddie Laker SKYTRAIN / A picture of SELINA SCOTT

6 Elizabeth Taylor wives, name 2 other than Richard Burton: Eddie Fisher / Michael Wilding / Senator John Warner / Mike Todd / Nicky Hilton

Brize Norton, Oxfordshire RAF base, Gorbachov and Thatcher had a 2-hour summit there in 1987

INDIAN Ocean off Perth, Fremantle for the Americas Cup in the late 80s

Captain Robert Scott of the Antarctic, his son Sir Peter Scott was a British naturalist – they wanted the name of his famous father

MONGOOSE: Often tamed and used to kill snakes In India (I didn’t know that)

Ray Farrell is the pro who threw for charity

Well, the whole show was there and I just forwarded through it

WHO: On Challenge 10-Feb-2019 10pm to 11pm, from 1- & 2-Apr-2000

Keith Morgan wins 125k, the cheque says 1-4-2000, he didn’t have a guess at the following question:

250k: “What is the sixth book of the Old Testament?” Jeremiah / Jonah / Joel / Joshua

Quite a straightforward question for me there; after the Pentateuch Books 6 to 8 of the Old Testament are: Joshua Judges Ruth

[11/02/2019 11:38] For once this looks like an UNFAMILIAR episode of “Who wants to be a millionaire?”

10 new contestants

FFF: “Starting with the earliest, put these groups into the decade when they had most hits”

DBAC gives us: The Animals / Roxy Music / Eurythmics / Take That

8 got it right, Paul Chaplin in 4.46 is fastest

They’ve cut out the chat, it’s straight on with the questions

1k: Picasso was (Spanish) [“I’m sure he’s Spanish, but I’ll Ask the Audience”, 93% are right]

2k: Which sovereign state has Latin listed as one of its two main languages? Monaco / Liechtenstein / Vatican City / San Marino [Got to be Vatican City, surely, but I’ve never heard this question before / He’s going 50/50 and is left with San Marino and VC, and goes for it: Vatican City]

4k: Oscar-winning actress and Labour MP resigned her post as Transport Minister in 1999 (Glenda Jackson)

8k: “In which city was Julie Walters born?” Liverpool / Manchester / London / Birmingham [Got to be Birmingham, surely, she’s got a Brummie accent / He uses Phone-A-Friend, who suggests Manchester but isn’t sure / He thought she had a Birmingham accent, but goes Manchester, he loses 3k and goes home with 1k]

FFF: Landmarks in the order they were built

CDAB gives us: Parthenon / Eiffel Tower / Empire State Building / Thames Flood Barrier

5/9 got it right, John Hudson in 6.16s is fastest

1k: (Blackbirds) baked in a pie in the nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence

2k: Tongue and groove joint is made with (wood)

4k: Beds Bucks Staffs and Wilts are (English counties)

8k: Female star of Ghostbusters (Sigourney Weaver)

16k: “The American venue for the 1985 Live Aid event was the JFK stadium in which city?” Boston Washington (Philadelphia) New York [He uses Ask the Audience, they’ve gone 45% New York and 32% Philadelphia / he goes 50/50 and, unsurprisingly, is left with those 2 answers, and he uses Phone-A-Friend too to get to 16k]

[That’s the end of the first bit of recording from last night, and I have another 2.5 hours from another recording on the hard drive]

32k: Which statesman did Boris Yeltsin oust when he became President of Russia in 1991: Khrushchev / Brezhnev / Andropov / (Gorbachev)

[He doesn’t risk it and goes home with 16k]

We have a new set of 10 contestants, but they haven’t show us them / they’ve switched from one show to another without those introductions

FFF: Films in order of when they won Best Picture Oscar:

ACDB gives us: Rebecca / Gigi / Oliver! / Braveheart

6/10 got it right, Alistair McNaughton in 6.31s is fastest

Again, no chat with the contestant, just straight on with the questions

1k: “Who was known as ‘Big Hearted Arthur’?” (Arthur Askey) / King Arthur / Scargill / Fowler [Never heard that before, and it’s by elimination really]

REVISE: Big Hearted Arthur = Arthur Askey, revise other Askey facts and phrases, you lucky people

2k: Mick and Bianca Jagger’s daughter (Jade)

4k: What type of food is a baguette? (Bread) yes, really, for 4k

8k: Car manufacturing company founded in Spain: Mercedes-Benz / Aston Martin / (Hispano-Suiza) / Alfa Romeo [Never heard of them either, but you get there by elimination]

REVISE: Hispano-Suiza is a Spanish car company

16k: “Which of these fruits are usually ‘hulled’ before being eaten?” Strawberries / Apples / Oranges / Figs [Never heard of this either / he’s using Ask the Audience / 62% say strawberries / I thought it was figs but only 14% have gone for that / It IS strawberries]

[This has come up at least twice since then, including a recent episode of The Chase – Bradley didn’t know it, The Vixen did]

32k: American state of Virginia named after an English queen (Elizabeth I) not Victoria, Mary I or Anne

64k: “Which sportsman would perform a triple salchow?” (Figure skater) / Gymnast / Diver / Showjumper

REVISE: Triple Salchow and other moves in Figure Skating

The cheque to Alistair MacNaughton shows the date as 2-4-2000

125k: “‘Pertussis’ is the technical name for what illness?” Mumps / Measles / Chickenpox / (Whooping cough) [He doesn’t know, uses Phone-A-Friend, who suggests the right answer / he goes for 50/50 and is left with Mumps and the right answer, which he goes for]

[And that’s the end of that Sunday night recording, 10pm to 11pm]

Revise: HULLED strawberries and other things you can do to fruit

WHO: On Challenge 10-Feb-2019 11pm, to midnight from 3-Apr-2000

Continuing on with Alistair MacNaughton on 125k, a new show, he’s wearing a different shirt from the last one

250k: “Which of these men adopted a name which means ‘man of steel’?” Lenin / (Stalin) / Trotsky / Rasputin [Easy question for me for 250k, thanks to O Level History / He’s 80% certain it’s Stalin but he’s not going to take a risk]

The cheque shows the date as 3-4-00

10 brand new contestants

FFF: Four film musicals in the order they were first released

BCAD gives us: Top Hat / Singin’ in the Rain / The Sound of Music / Grease

6/10 got it right Ian Larner is fastest in 5.85s

Again, no chat with the contestant, it’s been edited out, straight into the questions

1k: Cherry and plum are varieties of a salad ingredient (tomato)

2k: European City stands on the River Tiber (Rome) [He goes 50/50 and is left with Rome and Prague]

4k: Comedy actor, star of the ‘Naked Gun’ series of films (Leslie Nielsen)

8k: Where did Captain LAWRENCE Oates die in 1912? (Antarctica) [He doesn’t know and uses Ask the Audience, 47% say Titanic, only 41% say Antarctica, he goes with them and loses 3k, goes home with 1k / At least the audience knew that the Titanic sank in 1912]

FFF: starting with smallest, angles in order

ADCB gives us: Acute Right Obtuse Reflex

5/9 got it right, Stuart Watson is fastest in 4.98s

Again, no chat, straight on with the questions

1k: British territory that borders Spain: Bermuda Pitcairn Montserrat (Gibraltar) [He uses 50/50 and is left with the last two options, and goes right with Gibraltar]

2k: French phrase ‘par avion’ would appear on (an envelope) not a sheet of music / clock / menu

4k: tick-tack, sign language used by (bookmakers)

REVISE: Tick-Tack, I did see a bit of it on an old episode of Bullseye I think – find it and put it in here

8k: traditional Russian Musical instrument: (Balalaika) Ukulele Sitar Cimbalon [He’s using Ask the Audience / 78% give the right answer]

REVISE: What kind of musical instrument is a Cimbalon, and check the number of strings on various instruments: Balalaika (I think it’s 3), SItar (??)

16k: Branch of medicine concerned with the cause, origin and nature of disease: Psychology / Dermatology / Cardiology / (Pathology) [I went by elimination – if epidemiology had come up I would have gone for it]

REVISE: Pathology is the cause, origin and nature of disease / Find the definition for Epidemiology

32k: “In which country was Queen Elizabeth II when she became queen?” Singapore / Australia / Canada / (Kenya)

[I learnt this last week – someone was mentioning the royal wardrobe always including mourning robes, and I have heard something about the name of the hotel where she was staying / Who was talking about that? She came down the aircraft steps at RAF Brize Norton wearing mourning clothes / He uses Phone-A-Friend who is 95-100% sure that it’s Kenya, and goes for it]

The cheque is to Stuart Watson, dated 3-4-00

64k: Juice of a fruit used to make perry (Pear)

125k: Air force rank equivalent to an army major: Flight lieutenant / Pilot officer / Squadron leader / Wing commander [He hasn’t got a clue, thinks it might be Pilot Officer, but that’s the only one I’m sure is wrong / It’s SQUADRON LEADER]

He leaves with 64k

Revise: army, navy, RAF ranks – I have had some good guesses over the years, but am not on top of this subject [17/02/2019 22:15] Page 118 of Schott’s Miscellany, but I’m not sure if they match up exactly / ARMY MAJOR = Squadron Leader

FFF: Irish groups in order of when they had their first UK Top 10 hits:

I went for CBDA: Bachelors / Clannad / Corrs / Boyzone

But that’s WRONG – it’s CBAD: BOYZONE came before the Corrs. VERY sloppy work there, look out for it

6/8 got it right, Sandra Presland in 4.62s is quickest

1k: Prince Edward left (Royal Marines) in 1987

2k: The politician who heads the Foreign and Commonwealth Office: (Foreign Secretary)

4k: Edinburgh lies on which stretch of water: Firth of Forfar / Firth of Fife / Firth of Forth / Firth of Falkirk [I think it’s Firth of Forth, but am not sure, that’s mainly by elimination / she’s using Ask the Audience / 69% say Firth of Forth / It IS Firth of Forth]

REVISE: FIRTHS / Edinburgh is on Firth of Forth / Which places, apart from the obvious ones, lie on Firth of Forfar, Fife, Falkirk, if they really are places

8k: BMJ is a publication about (Medicine)

16k: NOT a type of knot: Clove Hitch / Cat’s-paw / Dog’s-tongue / Sheet bend [I think it’s Dog’s-tongue, again not sure / She uses Phone-A-Friend, he thinks it’s “dog’s paw”, but that’s not an option, corrects himself to “dog’s tongue”, she goes 50/50 and (no surprise at all) is left with the cat and the dog answers / she doesn’t risk it and leaves with 8k / It IS Dog’s-tongue]

And that’s the end of that show on Challenge

Revise knots: CAT’S PAW. Sheet bend, Grannie / Clove Hitch [Thinking about it, it’s the kind of thing I could do NOW but I’m still restricted by the memory that I couldn’t do them when I was 6 / I could do them now] NOTE: Dog’s Tongue is NOT a type of knot

Check: what epidemiology is

Check: What is a cimbalon

Revise: Bookmakers jargon, and find out why 3/1 is known as carpet

Revise: Bingo caller’s numbers: I have done this, but another look would be advisable

WHO: On Challenge 11-Feb-2019 midnight to 1am, probably from 4-Apr-2000

[11/02/2019] Back in a mo, I’ll have to have a stretch, after a solid SEVENTY MINUTES of quizzing to cover over 2 hours’ worth of Challenge TV / Done – 10 minutes, really?

10 new contestants, it’s probably from 4 April 2000, but nobody won enough money to be given a cheque by Chris

FFF: Harrison Ford films in order of release

DACB gives us: Star Wars / Raiders of the Lost Ark / Witness / Air Force One

5/10 get it right: Nick Osborne in 5.49s is quickest

REVISE: Air Force One, a Harrison Ford film I know nothing about

1k: traditional filling of an Eccles cake? Cheese / Cream / Dried fruit / Black pudding [Dried fruit I assume, but I wouldn’t have got it without the other options]

2k: (Hamlet) says ‘To be or not to be’

4k: (Lima) is capital of Peru

8k: In 1937 The Duke of Windsor married Wallis Simpson in which country? Italy / France / Switzerland / Spain [I’m pretty sure it’s France / he’s used Ask the Audience and they’ve gone 77% France, and that’s the right answer]

REVISE: Duke of Windsor married Wallis Simpson in France, check other obvious bits of biography – dates and places of death, and so on

16k: Gwyneth Paltrow film ‘Sliding Doors’ is mainly set in (London) [He’s using Phone-A-Friend / she’s pretty sure it’s London but wouldn’t swear to it]

32k: (Melbourne) is where the Australian Open tennis Championship is held [He goes 50/50 and is left, no surprise, with Sydney and Melbourne / he goes wrong on Sydney and leaves with 1k: he loses 15k]

FFF: Put these names in the order they appear in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet

CBDA gives us: Charlie Juliet Mike Romeo

8/9 get it right, Ian Cordiner in 6.68s is fastest

Again, no chat, just straight on with the questions

1k: (Running board) was the footboard fixed to the side of a modern motor car

2k: Final of 1999 Rugby World Cup was held in: Scotland / Wales / France / England [This is from 2000, so I’d probably have known it then, I’m not sure right now / He’s going to Ask the Audience / 75% say Wales, which it is]

REVISE: Rugby World Cup Finals, 1999 final was held in WALES, which I would have known then, but it’s a long time ago

4k: Francis Ford (Coppola) is his surname

8k: Do-si-do is a term used in which activity: Coarse fishing / Birdwatching / Bell-ringing / Square dancing [He’s sure it’s square-dancing / I don’t know / I’d have guessed Bell-ringing but it’s SQUARE DANCING] [Re-reading this 2 years later and I KNOW it’s Square Dancing]

Revise: Do-Si-Do and other dance terms

16k: (Robert Bolt) wrote ‘A Man for All Seasons’ [He’s using Phone-A-Friend who doesn’t know, and guesses Harold Pinter / He goes 50/50 and is left with Peter Shaffer and Robert Bolt; the other answer was John Osborne]

He doesn’t risk it and goes home with 8k

FFF: Starting with northernmost, African cities in order from north to south

CBAD gives us: Cairo / Addis Ababa / Johannesburg / Cape Town

YES – wasn’t sure about that

3/8 got it right, Gary Luckhurst in 8.82s is the fastest, and there’s screaming from the audience

Again, no chat just straight in there

1k: Only sign of the zodiac named after an inanimate object (Libra) [He used Ask the Audience for that, and they were 89% sure]

2k: Andalusia is in (Spain) [He’s using Phone-A-Friend for this]

4k: Mythical creature played by Daryl Hannah in Splash (Mermaid)

8k: (John Steinbeck) wrote “Of Mice and Men” [He’s using 50/50 and is left with William Faulkner and John Steinbeck]

He goes away with 4k, he was inclined to go for Faulkner

FFF: Political parties in order they were formed

ACBD: Whig Labour SDP Natural Law

4/7 get it right, Jim Titmuss in 5.66s is fastest

Again, no chat, just straight on with the questions

1k: (Menu) means options on a screen

WHO: Challenge Mon 11-Feb-2019, from 25-1-01 and 27-1-01, repeated Mon 10-Jun-2019, 1am

[12/02/2019] I missed the start of the show, here we are with INNES SCOTT in an orange shirt about to answer the 4k question

[04/03/2019] Okay, it was repeated over the weekend and here are the first few questions, and we now know that he’s a student, has gone back to do a masters / he lives in Edinburgh with his Brazilian wife and 2 kids

Early questions: A sporran is made of FUR / JACQUELINE SUSANN wrote Valley of the (Dolls)

1k: A nightingale sang in (Berkeley Square)

2k: (Princess Anne) competed for Britain at the 1976 Olympic Games

REVISE: Royals and Olympic Games, Anne in 1976, and has Zara competed? [NOTE: I would still guess that Anne competed in 1972, the year after she won SPOTY]

4k: Name of the demonic child in The Omen (Damian)

8k: A castle in Northern Ireland: Beaumaris (Carrickfergus) Glamis Windsor

REVISE: UK castles, including Beaumaris – is that the one on Anglesey?

16k: “The Spanish Riding School in Vienna uses which famous breed of horse in its displays?” Arab / Lipizzaner / Falabella / Palomino [He thinks it’s Lipizzaner and uses Ask the Audience / they’re split, 44% Lipizzaner 24% Palomino and 23% Arab / It is LIPIZZANER, never heard of it] [Again, looking back 2 years later, I was confident this was Lipizzaner – I think it’s come up elsewhere since then]

REVISE: Horses, including LIPIZZANER, which is what they have in the Spanish Riding School in Vienna – and check out that school too

32k: Sanskrit was an ancient language in which continent: Europe / Africa / North America / (Asia) [Looks like a very easy 32k question to me]

64k: On a motorway sign, what tells the road user that there is a restaurant serving food at the services? Straight knife & fork / Crossed knife & fork / Straight spoon & fork / Crossed spoon & fork [I thought it was straight knife & fork before the answers came up and that’s what I’d go for, but I wonder if they’re crossed / He’s gone 50/50 and is left with the two Crossed options / He goes for Crossed knife & fork but it’s CROSSED SPOON & FORK, I can’t picture that at all]

He leaves with 32k

Revise: Motorway signs, especially Service Stations / CROSSED SPOON & FORK = food being served

Innes Scott, 25-1-0 (can’t see the final digit, I think it should be a 1 based on other shows: 25-1-01)

10 new contestants including Charles Ingram from Wiltshire, the famous Major / that will make the date easy to look up: John Tuff, Carolyn Lysons, Dougal Bohan, Ravinder Rai, Keith Wilcock, Charles Ingram, Brian Downs, Yvonne Porter, Colin Wheatley, Peter Grant

FFF: National Parks in order from north to south

I went for ACBD: Lake District / Snowdonia / Dartmoor / Exmoor, not sure that’s right

NOPE, it’s wrong, it should be:

ACDB: Lake District / Snowdonia / Exmoor / Dartmoor

REVISE: National Parks again, EXMOOR is north of Dartmoor – check a map sometime

Only 3/10 got it right, Ravinder Rai is fastest in 6.6s

We get the chat this time, he’s from Sutton Coldfield, has a fear of heights which he found out about when having an interview for the fire brigade, on the 11th floor / Up to this point 2 people had gone home with nothing, but it hadn’t happened for a long time

1k: (Prince) adopted a symbol instead of his name in 1993

2k: velociraptor was a (dinosaur)

4k: 2008 film “Billy Elliott” features a young boy who wants to be a (dancer) [He uses Ask the Audience / 90% go dancer and he goes with them]

8k: Cultural Revolution in the 1960s took place in (China) [He’s using Phone-A-Friend / He takes his time, thinks its Soviet Union but isn’t sure / He goes 50/50 and is left with China and Cambodia / He goes right]

16k: Russian composer Rimsky- (Korsakov)

32k: SUOMI is another name for: Japan / Switzerland / Belgium / (Finland) [He’s gone right on that]

The cheque reads 27-1-0 and again the final digit is obscured, so again we have multiple shows edited into one on Challenge [It’s 27-1-01]

64k: The name given to any Scottish mountain over 3000 feet high: Macleish / Moffat / (Munro) / Matheson [He’s going for Moffat]

He leaves with 32k

FFF: Put these US states in alphabetical order

DBCA gives us: New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York

[I thought it might be these before they came up]

4/9 got it right, KEITH WILCOCK is fastest in 6.99s

A software developer from Waterlooville in Hampshire, he has a PhD in Nuclear Physics

1k: Nottingham-born author Lawrence has initials (DH)

REVISE: Author initials, I know the obvious ones like CS Lewis, but go more obscure like CS Forester, George RR Martin, JRR Tolkien, PD James [I have looked her up but can’t remember – is it Pamela?] What does the K stand for in JK Rowling?

2k: “Tacking” is a term in which sport? (Sailing) Fencing Gymnastics Karate

CHECK: What is Tacking, in the world of sailing?

4k: A vintner is a merchant of (wine)

8k: “Which of these films features the ARNHEM campaign of WW2?” The Great Escape / In Which We Serve / 633 Squadron / (A Bridge Too Far)

REVISE: Arnhem in A Bridge Too Far, never seen it all the way through or read it

16k: “I’m in the mood for dancing” was a hit for (The Nolans)

32k: Which of these is an independent country? Queensland / Quebec / (Qatar) / Queen Charlotte

Keith Wilcock, a cheque for 32k, and finally we can see the whole of the date: 27-1-01

64k: “Who first wrote the words, ‘Workers of the world, unite’?” Leon Trotsky / Abraham Lincoln / (Karl Marx) / Emmeline Pankhurst

[12/02/2019 09:07] Okay, and that’s the end of the show, I assume we’ll start again on the 125k question tonight

OLD WHO: Challenge 12-Feb-2019, continued from yesterday, 27-1-2000

[13/02/2019] It’s Keith Wilcock again and here’s the 125k question / I am watching in real time

125k “Charlotte was the queen of which British king?” (George III) / William IV / George VI / Edward VII [The options confirm it for me – if George IV had been there too I might have been less certain / I get Charlotte and Caroline mixed up / He’s still got his lifelines and uses 50/50 for George III and William IV / He’s using Phone-A-Friend too / It sounds like he might be looking it up, um, um, George III, not 100% / He’s going for it]

250k: “Which gas is a constituent of common salt?” Oxygen / (Chlorine) / Hydrogen / Argon [Blimey, I’d be very happy with a 250k question that’s as easy as that / He’s sure too and gives the answer quickly]

500k: “In which country is the world’s oldest parliament?” Greenland / Iceland / Switzerland / Finland [He’s using Ask the Audience, because he still has that lifeline / I’m pretty sure it’s Iceland / 61% of the audience think it’s Switzerland, only 21% think Iceland / It IS Iceland]

He’s taking the money, Keith Wilcock leaves with 250k

REVISE: ICELAND has the world’s oldest Parliament, check dates, and see which other parliaments are among the oldest

FFF: Arnold Schwarzenegger films in the order they were first released

DACB gives us: Pumping Iron / The Terminator / Total Recall / True Lies

I got that right, wasn’t sure about the order of the last 2 but its 1990 and then 1994

5/8 got it right, and Charles Ingram is still in the list / John Tuff was fastest, in 7.48s

He’s an insurance claims adjuster (or something) from Harold Wood in Essex

Usually I forward through this stuff but I’m watching from the box, with no forwarding. It will take a whole hour of my time to go through all the questions rather than about 32 minutes. It’s a lesson to me: I should definitely record these onto the hard drive for proper forward AND rewind.

1k: British InterCity 125 travels (on a railway track), not at sea, by road or whatever

2k: Widow Twankey appears in this panto (Aladdin) not Cinderella, Dick Whittington or Babes in the Wood [He’s using Ask the Audience / 61% go Aladdin]

Revise: Panto characters, Widow Twankey in Aladdin, where does Wishy Washy appear?

4k: “White goods”: Newspaper / ice cream / (Fridge) / Car [He’s using Phone-A-Friend for this / Blimey / His dad doesn’t know, doesn’t even guess / He’s gone 50/50 and is left with Fridge and Car / He goes for Fridge, finally]

8k: “What sort of people founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood?” (Artists) / Monks / Faith healers / Gamblers [“It’s between artists and monks” he says]

He leaves with 4k

Now it’s time to meet 10 brand new contestants – so Major Charles Ingram didn’t make it through on his first go, or these edits have mucked about with the original order

FFF: Historical documents in the order they came into effect

BCDA gives us: US Constitution / Geneva Convention / Treaty of Rome / Maastricht Treaty

1789 / 1864 / 1957 / 1993

3/10 got it right, Arrol Toplin is fastest in 6.84s

[13/02/2019] To be continued

WHO: 21-Jan-2019, midnight to 1am on Challenge, 21-01-00 (I think)

[12/02/2019] Here’s another hour from the hard drive, maybe I’ve seen it before, in which case I can delete it and clear some more space – around 18 hours left on that device

FFF: Starting with the LARGEST put these 4 countries in order by area

ADBC gives us: China India Thailand Israel

Only 2/8 got it right, Vik Manek fastest in 9.58

There’s no chat, and I didn’t record it with subtitles [He went for 50/50 on the £200 question, about Touch Judge in Rugby – Touch Judge or Touch Base were the options]

1k: Chippy is a term for a (Carpenter)

2k: Fork, sheet and ball are all types of (lightning) [He’s using Ask the Audience for this / 88% know the right answer]

4k: Vestment worn by Christian Clergy: Tuffet / Tussock / Hassock / (Cassock)

Check: what is a hassock?

8k: Which element is the chief constituent of bronze? Tin / Copper / Lead / Gold [Hmm, tough one for me; is it tin or copper? He’s using Phone-A-Friend / He’s gone tin, but it’s COPPER]

Revise: Alloys, especially bronze pewter and brass / COPPER is the chief constituent of Bronze

10 new contestants in the chairs, including Adrian Pollock, but this might not be the time he got chosen – he was on the show 4 times in 2 years before getting his chance to answer questions.

FFF: Starting with the MOST, put these 4 creatures in order according to the number of legs they have

ADBC gives us: Spider Grasshopper Rabbit Parrot

6/10 get it right, Nick Deery in 7.17s is fastest

Again, because this is a weekend show, there’s no chat with the contestant, just straight into the questions

1k: (Blades) is the name for individual leaves of grass, IRISES or GLADIOLI, it’s not Shoots, Needles or Twigs [He’s using Ask the Audience / 90% say blades]

2k: (Home Office) is responsible for producing passports

4k: Bagels are a traditional food in (Jewish) cuisine [He went 50/50 and was left with Jewish and Scandinavian]

8k: American Indian, subject of a poem by Longfellow: Crazy Horse / Pocahontas / Sitting Bull / (Hiawatha) [He’s using Phone-A-Friend for this one and his mate thinks it’s Hiawatha / he goes for it]

REVISE: Native American figures, CRAZY HORSE has come up and I can never quite place him / Hiawatha was a poem by Longfellow

16k: “The crosses of how many saints make up the Union Jack?” 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 [It’s 2 or 3 and I don’t know which / It’s THREE

He leaves with his 8k, doesn’t risk it, he would have gone 4

REVISE: There are THREE crosses of saints on the Union Jack

FFF: Put these singers in order of when they had hit singles with George Michael

CDBA gives us: Andrew Ridgeley / Aretha Franklin / Lisa Stansfield / Elton John

Not sure about B & A, but, yes, I was right, and only ONE out of 9 got it right: Jane Wicks in 7.4s

500 quid: Who is the nursery gardener (Mary, Mary)

Revise: the Mary, Mary nursery rhyme

1k: A&E, A stands for (Accident)

2k: Lulu, who “famously disgraced herself” on Blue Peter, was an (elephant)

4k: “What is the larva of the Cabbage White found in kitchen gardens?” Leatherjacket / Wireworm / Earwig / Caterpillar [It’s Caterpillar, surely? She’s gone 50/50 and been left with wireworm and caterpillar

REVISE: Wireworm, earwig, leatherjacket, and different arachnids – ticks, mites and so on]

8k: NOT a traditional province of Ireland (Grampian)

16k: Ophelia features in (Hamlet)

32k: Which group performed with Mariah Carey on the hit single One Sweet Day (Boyz II Men) [She uses Ask the Audience and 80% get it right]

The cheque has the last digit covered up, again: 21-1-0 [I think it’s 21-1-00]

64k: Metatarsal bone is in the (foot) [She’s using Phone-A-Friend / the friend takes a while to answer before saying foot / and she’s gone for it]

125k: Bulgarian artist famous for wrapping buildings and landscapes in fabric: Giotto / Caravaggio / Goya / (Christo) [Super-easy thanks to the other options]

REVISE: CHRISTO, Bulgarian artist, check which buildings he has wrapped up in fabric

She has no idea so she takes her 64k

FFF: Put these numbers in alphabetical order

CBDA gives us: Eight Nine Seven Ten

3/8 get it right, Steve Baldwin in 8.07s is quickest

1k: (Silver) is 25th wedding anniversary [He uses Ask the Audience for this]

And that’s the end of the show on Challenge, copyright 2004 but that doesn’t tell us much

[12/02/2019] Okay, that’ll do, 80 minutes, watching 2 hours of “Who wants to be a millionaire?”
