
May’s “Coincidence Corner”

“Coincidence Corner” is my light-hearted description for what has become a monthly look at the themes, stories or references that recur if you keep your eyes and ears open, no matter what you read, watch or listen to. They’re not really coincidences, though some people might see them that way, and they’re based on what… Continue reading May’s “Coincidence Corner”

Word of the week

Word of the week: blended

“Blended” has been used for many years to describe an approach to learning that incorporates instructor-led teaching and instruction through other media (online or, historically, other digital resources like DVDs and CD-ROMs). The instructor-led part of the process works best for me: I prefer to be taught things by people rather than through some digital… Continue reading Word of the week: blended

Word of the week

Word of the week: sponge-worthy

Sponge-worthy is the second example of a hyphenated “Word of the Week” (after Eye-watering from last December). The word will resonate with fans of the US sitcom “Seinfeld”. I have written elsewhere (in my 9,000 words about watching every Shakespeare play in 2003/4) that the UK is probably the only English-speaking territory where the show… Continue reading Word of the week: sponge-worthy